I read several articles as I prepared for my project. One of the articles is a recent “Face to Face”
feature in the Summer 2013 issue of Word
& World. On one side, Rev. Brian
Ballard used his contribution, “Mission
Trips: Attend to the Planning and the Purpose,” to define two different
approaches to global short-term mission trips.
The predominant model for these trips is that of a community with
abundant resources traveling to a community in need of resources. A group from this first community enters this
community in need with the intention of meeting needs within the community; this
may include digging a well, building a home, or any other project which serves
the local community. Those who traveled to this community in need
often do not form any relationships with members of the community. The visitors stay within their own community
of visitors until the project is complete and the visitors travel home. While the projects may last, the experiences
often do not because the organizers of the trip did not provide time for
participants to interact with members of the local community or reflect on what
they do during their time in this new place.
Ballard prefers this second model for global short-term
mission experiences. This model
recognizes that God is already acting within this location and this community. Therefore, those who travel to this community
focus on building relationships within this community. While the group may complete certain
projects, the building of relationships remains the group’s priority. As they come together through these
relationships, both sides look for opportunities to learn from the other
community. Ballard offers St. Peter’s
interaction with Cornelius in Acts 10 as a model of mutual learning through
relationships with people in other communities and cultures.
The other “face” of this “Face to Face” feature is Rev.
Debra Samuelson’s article, “Mission Trips:
Participate in the Family Reunion.” Samuelson
shares her experiences of worshipping, praying, and interacting with a
community in Lalo Aira, Ethiopia. She
mentions that the Ethiopian community opened her eyes to new stewardship and
spiritual practices while also welcoming her stories and practices. For her, the whole experience was a wonderful
expression of the Body of Christ stretching across and breaking cultural
boundaries. By sharing her experience,
she also demonstrates the second model which Ballard outlined in his article.
As I was formulating this project, The Lutheran magazine published in its February 2014 edition a
timely article entitled “Why Not
Child Sponsorship?” by Elizabeth Hunter (a portion of the article is hidden
behind a subscription paywall). Hunter
interviewed Rev. Daniel Rift (Director, ELCA World Hunger), Ryan Cumming (Director
for Hunger Education, ELCA World Hunger), and Mary Marete (Program Director for
Sustainable Development, ELCA Global Mission) on the topic of why ELCA World
Hunger does not use a child sponsorship model within its organization. One of their objections to this approach is that
the focus becomes fundraising so that projects get completed and people are
helped. However, relationships are not
built or maintained. They believe that
ELCA World Hunger’s accompaniment approach better serves global communities by
building relationships with these communities and identifying future steps
through these relationships.
The March 2014 edition of The Lutheran contained a letter
(“Yes to Sponsorship”) from Carl Korfmacher, who strongly objected to this
article. “Words like ‘accompaniment’ and
phrases like ‘we uphold values of mutuality, inclusivity, vulnerability,
empowerment and sustainability’ mean virtually nothing to the average person.
Sponsoring a child is a very personal and tangible experience… Charitable
giving is and should be a personal experience.”
Carl also mentions that he participates in a child sponsorship
organization. Carl’s criticisms strongly
imply that efforts to build relationships with other communities around the
globe waste time and money which could be applied to service projects.
What do you think?
Are Carl’s objections correct?
What is the best way to carry out our Companion Synod Relationships? Leave your reactions and questions in the